Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Blog 9: Science Fair Proposal

1. Hypothesis: If a woman has a BMI, then it will take more force for them to execute a turn.
2. Independent Variable: Girls' BMI; Dependent Variable: Forces of girl' turns
3. The connection between my science experiment and my essential question is that in order to properly train one in dance, you have to be aware of the capabilities of the girls' bodies for them to excel in the dance course.
4. I plan on having 30 women push off a vertically mounted force plate and analyzing the amount of force it takes each of them to execute a turn.  I will also take their BMI measurement.  I will use Vernier software to analyze the force data, then graph the BMI versus force.  Lastly, I will research WHY I obtained specific results (such as, how does physics support that a woman with a higher BMI have to use more force?).

5. My experiment is under the Physics category.

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